Don Julio Reposado Tequila 750ml

Don Julio Reposado Tequila 750ml

Tanqueray No. Ten Gin 1L

Tanqueray No. Ten Gin 1L

Captain Morgan Rum Black Jamaica 1L

Location: Panama City Tocumen International (PTY)

Remember to check with your airline and the authorities of the country of destination the restrictions that may apply to Duty Free purchases. You can find a basic information guide ss here

Availability: Out of stock
Captain Morgan Dark rum has serious depth of flavour, recalling the navy "rum rations" which went down so well with sailors, swashbuckling adventurers and connoisseurs alike. It is a blend of pot still and continuous still rums from Jamaica, Guyana & Barbados and is aged in oak and has a dark, full-bodied colour and distinctive rich taste that are unmistakable.

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