Moet & Chandon Ice Imperial Rose 750ml 24P

Moet & Chandon Ice Imperial Rose 750ml 24P

Veuve Clicquot Rich Rose Champagne 750ml

Veuve Clicquot Rich Rose Champagne 750ml

Ciroc French Vanilla Vodka 1L

Location: Panama City Tocumen International (PTY)

Remember to check with your airline and the authorities of the country of destination the restrictions that may apply to Duty Free purchases. You can find a basic information guide ss here

Availability: Out of stock
CÎROC® French Vanilla™ is an ultra-premium vanilla flavoured vodka – five times distilled from fine French grapes and masterfully infused with a distinctive blend of vanilla, delivering a uniquely rich and creamy vanilla taste. While the vanilla flavours are from multiple sources, including Madagascar, the liquid flavour profile is defined as ‘French Vanilla’. French Vanilla is a recognised different style and taste to just any other vanilla character. It comes from the ‘French’ way of making vanilla ice cream, which produces a richer, smoother and creamier taste. This marries perfectly with the luxuriously smooth texture of CÎROC Vodka and is perfect for a Cirocstar martini

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