Johnnie Walker Blue Label 750Ml  40%

Johnnie Walker Blue Label 750Ml 40%

Gila Anejo Tequila 750ml

Gila Anejo Tequila 750ml

Gentleman Jack Limited Edition Tennessee Whiskey 1L

Location: Panama City Tocumen International (PTY)

Remember to check with your airline and the authorities of the country of destination the restrictions that may apply to Duty Free purchases. You can find a basic information guide ss here

Availability: In stock
Just like Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey and Jack Daniel’s Single Barrel, Gentleman Jack is charcoal mellowed before going into the barrel. Gentleman Jack, however, receives an additional “blessing” when it is charcoal mellowed again after reaching maturity – making it the only whiskey in the world to be charcoal mellowed twice, giving it ultimate smoothness. Gentleman Jack is full-bodied with fruit and spices, and its finish is silky, warm, and pleasant. When you drink Gentleman Jack, you’ll always enjoy rich, rewarding taste.

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