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Irish Whiskey Original 5cl

Product Info: Triple distilled, twice as smooth, Jameson Irish Whiskey is a balanced blend of single pot still and fine grain whiskey. Triple distiled so it gives its signature smoothness. Finally, aged in oak casks for a minimum of 4 years. Result is a creamy, spicy... Read More
Location: Panama City Tocumen International (PTY)

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Availability: Out of stock
Product Info: Triple distilled, twice as smooth, Jameson Irish Whiskey is a balanced blend of single pot still and fine grain whiskey. Triple distiled so it gives its signature smoothness. Finally, aged in oak casks for a minimum of 4 years. Result is a creamy, spicy and smooth taste for the No.1 Irish whiskey in the world. Tasting Notes: Nose: A light floral fragrance, peppered with spicy wood and sweet notes. Taste: The perfect balance of spicy, nutty and vanilla notes with hints of sweet sherry and exceptional smoothness. The finish is smooth and mellow. Medals & Awards: 2020: Gold Medal - San Francisco World Spirits Competition 2019: Irish Blend of the Year - Jim Murray's Whisky Bible Brand/Product History: John Jameson founded his distillery in Dublin in 1780 to realise his ambition of making the highest quality whiskey possible. Today Jameson is still made in our Single Distillery in Midleton, Co Cork, Ireland following our founder's tradition of using the finest ingredients and triple distillation to achieve our signature smoothness.

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