Buchanan´s 1901 Red Seal Scotch 750ml 40%

Buchanan´s 1901 Red Seal Scotch 750ml 40%

18 Year Old Blended Scotch Whisky 75cl

18 Year Old Blended Scotch Whisky 75cl

Johnnie Walker Swing 750ml

Location: Panama City Tocumen International (PTY)

Remember to check with your airline and the authorities of the country of destination the restrictions that may apply to Duty Free purchases. You can find a basic information guide ss here

Availability: Out of stock
Johnnie Walker Swing Blended Scotch Whisky is a multi-year blend from Speyside, Highlands and Islay.A rich old gold colour and a nose of almost perfumed sweetness, Swing is smooth with a light freshness that covers a deeper fruitiness with some smoke and oak flavours. Johnnie Walker Swing (so named for the rocking motion of the bottle when pushed) has been around since 1932, when it was introduced for international travellers by Johnnie Walker's genius grandson Sir Alexander Walker towards the end of his long, illustrious career. Can be enjoyed on its own, over ice or with a dash of water. Enjoy it on the rocks, with a dash of still or sparkling water or it can also be an impressive gift for someone who appreciates a unique, sweet and luxurious whisky.

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