Drambuie Scotch Liqueur 1L

Drambuie Scotch Liqueur 1L

Crown Royal Extra Rare Whisky 750ml 40%

Crown Royal Extra Rare Whisky 750ml 40%

London Dry Gin 1L

Product Info: Beefeater London Dry has a remarkably clean flavour, with a bold juniper character that is balanced with strong citrus notes, making it the perfect gin to enjoy with the tonic of your choice. Tasting Notes: Color: Clear. Taste: A particularly fresh,... Read More
Location: Panama City Tocumen International (PTY)

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Availability: Out of stock
Product Info: Beefeater London Dry has a remarkably clean flavour, with a bold juniper character that is balanced with strong citrus notes, making it the perfect gin to enjoy with the tonic of your choice. Tasting Notes: Color: Clear. Taste: A particularly fresh, clean and crisp gin with a key note of juniper, a subtle citrus and fruit edge, balanced by the spice of coriander and the earthiness of angelica. Medals & Awards: 2015: ISC (Silver), IWSC (Gold) Brand/Product History: Beefeater is the only international gin still distilled in London. For Beefeater Dry, the blending of nine natural botanicals and a unique 24 hour steeping progress combine to create a gin of unrivalled smoothness and complexity.

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